Do you have a healthy attitude about your weight and Body image?

 Weight Counselling






Eat healthy

Accept the way you look or avoid social situations

Feel guilty when you eat the wrong foods

Feel unhappy about the way you look (The critic)

Sabotage yourself

Love yourself with food (all or nothing)

Dislike your reflection and keep adjusting your clothing

Think poorly of yourself ,lack confidence and discount  positive compliments.

Have you ever heard yourself say “I will be happy when I loose certain number  of kilo’s.”

These are just some of the negative self talk that goes on in our heads. Some stay stuck in this self belief for years however a healthy relationship with food is vital as is a healthy relationship with ourselves.

We can all learn to have a healthier relationship with food, we can’t live without it so we need to to have a good attitude in regards to how we fuel our bodies. Healthy food choices often helps us think clearer therefore we engage in better relationships, we gain more energy so we exercise more, our self talk is less judgmental/critical. We learn to embrace our unique self completely and often strive to become a better version of ourselves. Healthy food choices is a win/win for mind body and soul.

Talk to a professional now, YOU’RE worth it!

“Don’t  wait the time will never be just right”  Napoleon Hill