Life Coaching and its benefits
Ever felt stuck, or at a bit of a cross roads and not sure which direction to go?

Life Coaching is beneficial-
A life coach can help you gain clarity, priorities and make decisions on which direction you want to go. It is an effective way of getting someone to hear your thoughts and because they are not emotionally invested the coach will challenge, guide you to where you want to be. The coach will help you identify road blocks that stop you from reaching your desired goal.
Individuals, come in to bounce ideas off because they feel stuck. Life coaching is different to counselling. Counselling works with core issues and needs specialist help. Individuals that are feeling stuck work with the coach to gain clarity, put strategies in place that will help the client shift. A coach assist the client to Identify what is restricting progress, (stumbling blocks). Once the client gains the awareness they can see new possibilities and therefore will direct their efforts into reaching what is priority to them.

Executive coaching involves working with organisational members, managers, executives on a regular basis to help them clarify goals, identify stumbling blocks and improve performance. This helps increase productivity and builds competence in individuals to lead more effectively. The coach supports their client through specific professional goals and these can include; career transition, developing executive presence, enhancing strategic thinking, developing effective communication, performance management, using effective conflict resolution skills, building a good team ethic within the organisation and managing personal changes for the team and or client. At times it will be around restructuring the organisation such as merger integration; downsizing, addressing and facilitating how to execute a smooth transition.

It is a motivational process of empowering clients become a better person and to reach their full potential. The benefits are enormous although this relies on the client committing to the process and being pro-active.